
Makes 4, 15 minutes preparation, 5 minutes cooking

Cranachan is a cracking Scottish dessert that combines fresh raspberries, fluffy cream, honey, toasted oats and, of course, a little whisky – what’s not to like?


  • 2tbsp medium oatmeal
  • 300g fresh British raspberries
  • a little caster sugar
  • 350ml double cream (we used Jersey double cream)
  • 2tbsp heather honey
  • 2-3tbsp whisky, to taste


  1. To toast the oatmeal, spread it out on a baking sheet and grill until it smells rich and nutty. It will not darken noticably, so use your sense of smell to tell you when it is nutty enough – this will take around 5-10 minutes. When you are happy that it is toasted enough remove from the oven and leave to cool. 
  2. Make a raspberry purée by crushing half the fruit through a sieve using a spoon. Sweeten this to taste with a little caster sugar – it still needs a little sharpness so don’t make it too sugary. Whisk the double cream until just set then stir in the honey and whisky, trying not to over-whip the cream as this will cause it to split. Taste the mix and add more of either if you feel the need.
  3. Stir in the oatmeal and whisk lightly until the mixture is just firm. Alternate layers of the cream with the remaining whole raspberries and purée in 4 bowls or glasses – that way you get to see all of the beautiful layers and ingredients. Allow to chill slightly before enjoying.

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